Prima Materia

In alchemical terms prima materia is the matter/thought from which creativity arises; in Descartes’ philosophy the prima materia is knowledge or perception; prima materia is the seed of enlightenment.

Prima Materia Writing

Freelance Writing Services offering affordable global solutions for all your requirements, writing, editing and proofreading.

Academic: articles, essays, conference papers

Business: reports, newsletters

Education: instructional design, text books

Non-fiction: children's books, memoir, life stories

Film and television script services: short films, feature films, drama and comedy, documentary, editing, treatments, post-production scripts

Theatre: plays, performance pieces, song lyrics

Fiction: novellas a specialty

Personal: invitations, poetry, family history, autobiography

What previous clients have to say:

I really appreciate all your comments. Thanks very much for you input. Thank you for your professionalism. Nice. 

Thanks so much for getting the final changes completed in such a short time.  The book looks fantastic.

Bridget, thank you so much for your encouraging feedback,  it’s much appreciated.  I really liked all your suggestions and will accept them all … again, thank you for your critique.  